Working Class Acupuncture's mission is to use acupuncture to create social change in health care. We provide, and advocate for others to provide, accessible acupuncture and wellness resources for working class patients; we support acupuncturists in being social entrepreneurs; and we share our business model for natural health care that empowers patients, builds community and breaks down class divisions. Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used systems of healing in the world. Acupuncture is simple, safe, and sustainable healthcare. As acupuncture has moved more toward the mainstream in America, it has become prohibitively expensive for most people, but this trend does not have to continue. Acupuncture does not need to be expensive to be effective. Acupuncture can be part of the solution to the soaring cost of healthcare – if it is affordable and accessible to everybody. Working Class Acupuncture makes this possible. We are located at 3526 NE 57th Ave in sunny Portland, Oregon. We are open for appointments 9am-7pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; 8am-8pm Wednesday; and on Saturday 9am-12noon and again from 2pm-6:30pm. Our phone number is (503)335-9440. Call us and make an appointment today! (Sorry, we are usually unable to take walk-ins!)