Saturday, November 18, 2006

From the beginning, humanity's survival has depended upon women's sexuality. Every tribe's survival has depended upon women's capacity to give birth, to bear healthy children into the next generation.
Our ancestors understood women's birth-giving power as kin to the Power of Being that creates, sustains, and transforms the world. Their images and icons of the Sacred Feminine celebrate women's awesome ability to regenerate life. In woman's body, the Great Goddess becomes manifest.
Our sexuality is not only our capacity to bear children. It is, as well, our power to promote creation in any dimension we choose. In these times, humanity's survival depends less upon the capacity to bear children and more upon the conditions into which our children are born. Survival depends upon women birthing new ways of being and doing that promote peace, justice, and sustainable economies on our planet.

With movement and breath, we cultivate the pro-creative power seeded in our Energy Garden - our body's center.

We know ourselves as sacred beings and respect our sexuality as a sacred force of nature.

We realize that we're sexy—at our juiciest—as we express the truth of who we are.

And, we direct our pro-creative power not only for sacred pleasure but also for personal and planetary healing.

by Lisa Sarasohn Author of The Woman's Belly Book

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